The Carousel Builder allows you to visually build carousels using either a Repeater, Easy Posts, Products List, ACF gallery fields, or any elements as individual cells.
Scroll down to view some previews of various settings
Custom icons or any elements can be used as navigation arrows
(like these lottie arrows)
Some Text
Some Text
Some Text
Some Text
Carousels can be linked together. Clicking on one to control the other, useful for thumbnail navigation.
Some Text
Some Text
Some Text
Some Text
We can style the selected, previous & next cells dynamically with opacity & transform controls.
Smooth browser performance
Any Dynamic content can be used
This is a Repeater component inside the Carousel
Full screen slides with Parallax Text
The ticker setting allows for continuous movement in either direction, useful for logos, social proof etc.

Person 8
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 7
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 6
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 4
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 5
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 3
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 2
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 1
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 8
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 7
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 6
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 4
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 5
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 3
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 2
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.

Person 1
This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text. This is my testimonial text.
The Parallax Effects added on inner elements allows for adding depth as the elements move at different speeds.
Some heading
would go here.
Some heading
would go here.
Some heading
would go here.
Some heading
would go here.
Another use-case for linking carousels is to use images as pagination dots.
Person 1
Notice dragging is disabled on the images, so they behave more like pagination.
Person 2
But clicking to select is enabled so users can interact with them.
Person 3
Adding a similar fade effect & friction to both carousels helps them feel connected as one element.
Person 5
Salvia humblebrag readymade, craft beer woke franzen 8-bit bespoke.
Person 4
Echo park marfa coloring book authentic, poke mlkshk direct trade.
Person 6
'Contain' helps to keep things looking neat by ensuring the start/end points remain inline with the section wrap

Person 8
No need for pagination dots or arrows because it's already obvious that there is more content thanks to 'overflow' being set to visible.

Person 7
No need for pagination dots or arrows because it's already obvious that there is more content thanks to 'overflow' being set to visible.

Person 6
No need for pagination dots or arrows because it's already obvious that there is more content thanks to 'overflow' being set to visible.

Person 4
No need for pagination dots or arrows because it's already obvious that there is more content thanks to 'overflow' being set to visible.

Person 5
No need for pagination dots or arrows because it's already obvious that there is more content thanks to 'overflow' being set to visible.
Support for animations
The scroll animations that are built into all Oxygen elements can be set to retriggered everytime
the carousel moves. So combining with a fade carousel, you can create some interesting things
Just a Buttonthe carousel moves. So combining with a fade carousel, you can create some interesting things
Set the delay
You can set a custom delay for the retrigger of the scroll animations
based on how fast your carousel moves.
Another Buttonbased on how fast your carousel moves.
Notice the headings below?
It's another use case for linking carousels. This time we've absolute positioned it to appear inside this
main carousel to look like tabs.
These Buttons are Pointlessmain carousel to look like tabs.